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Don't get me wrong - a Brd is still better for keeping a steady buff going, lol. Just saying with the right job in the party, I can have some serious buffage going on. Can also make a party more interesting, like giving everyone Double Attack, now that's fun :3 Or a critical hit frenzy with a Thf in.

Major downside from a Cor instead of a Brd - Brds can chain. Better yet, Brds can actually pull, lol.

But of course, Cor + Brd = Sexga. Combine Minute with Chaos roll and you've got DDs with Att in the uppper 600s at higher levels. (even more if a Drk is in there)

Only real thing we have over Brds is we are far more mage friendly.
Can give Refresh and some serious +hMP. Made a Whm go from like 90 MP to 700 under a minute or two, lol.

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