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couldnt find this thread cos of my comp *** up and Iodo theres a reason why me/alot of others hate you, for 1 your a liar and deals seem to mean nothing to you (Glop?) yea, @ the ppl defending him yea he is great at making money (anyone who has 4 accounts sitting at NMs is) but what for exactly? he has bought a few couple of mil items and the rest? unless this guy is sitting on a *** ***ton of gil you please tell me what he does with it all.

FYI its not just me who thinks/claims he sells gil its 80% of the ppl you ask who "know" him but all wrong right because he posted he isnt? ok, and jealous? of what exactly... i dont have the best gear in the world but im very happy with it (ever had a novio and access to a kraken club?) i dont envy anyone nor have i ever.

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