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Sammitch said:
I know this is crazy talk, buuuuut... solo.

I got bored being 75 all the time, so I picked a random level 1 job [PLD] and went from 1 to 14 in 2 days [maybe 8 horus total?] just soloing. It's not very hard at all since S/E buffed XP for soloing, + Emperor Ring + FoV Pages. The only setback I had was I turned on the LFP flag and sat around for 40 mins while the pt that invited me broke 3 times before even killing something, then I just went back to soloing.

I actually really wanna duo beast to 75 with someone, but in 5 years I still haven't found someone to do it with, regardless of the fact I play all the damn time. -.-

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