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Haseyo said:
Reublucian said:
Haseyo said:
Still nothing about MP. c.c
My Whm will still be under blankets.

If you think alot of mp makes a good whm you should quit ffxi. But give me your account first.

You seriously thing as a Tarutaru Whm I want more MP? Lulz.
Whm is still wanted endgame, I don't see a problem with its potency. Everyone (from what I've heard) wanted Whm to have some form of recovering MP without /healing constantly, similar to Sch or Rdm.

Not sure what direction SE is going with this, but personally I feel Whm needed some better way of getting MP back.

Flame me.

Oh you are Tarutaru my apologies, I'm an elvaan whm, and I enjoy the job alot and even though I sucked when I first started whm I think i've grown to become a pretty decent whm, and obviously with a very limited mp pool as elvaan lmao. So anytime someone like implies mp is what makes a whm I want to punch them in the face.

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