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The price you put something up for on the Auction House is just a reserve, if somebody bids 10x or 100x what the amount is worth, good times.

Dog eat dog out there, we're all trying to undercut eachother, so much so that average worth changes a lot, can he halved, can be doubled. Someone just payed 100,000,000 on a 1,000 item(EXAGGERATION LOL), well hot damn, price just went up for a moment and I'm keeping the gil, not my fault you added an extra 0 or two, should take more care.

Be it just 10k or 1mil overbid, a sale is a sale, and the sale in final.

Just like seeing someone misprice something in their Bazaar. KC for 5mil instead of 50mil for example..you know damn well you're gonna buy it!

Saying that, I hope it never happens to me! ;D

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