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Blazza said:
Lordgenbu said:
Reublucian said:
Korpg said:
Deemos said:
Man you are not a bright one. You have more player warnings about being a moron, than futchy ever had period.

Now you ad ghrah chip drama to your resume!

Wow, all over 1 chip lol, some people.

wait, name 1 thread that I didn't start that had a player warning directed at me.

besides, you wanted something, I had that something, you didn't want to pay me fairly, we didn't come to a conclusion. I made that just to show people how much you like to rip people off, since you are willing to pay 30k for 1 chip (regardless if they are a stack or not, they are still 30k each) but won't for me, for some unknown reason.

Reublucian said:
guise stop fighting and love each other

I don't love gilbuyers. Never had, never will

lol okay

Now i'm going to have to ask you again, who the *** are you? @ Korpg, what the hell is Aery? Learn it, at least Futchy's been there.

Wtf? Korpg saying he'll never love gilbuyers struck a nerve with you or something? Just trying to work out how that quote has anything to do with you what-so-ever for you to reply and get all pissed like that.

Also, Aery (not that you quoted anyone actually mentioning it <_<) would be Dragon's Aery...

Strange... Also gotta agree with Jennii or Kayll, why would you choose Lordgenbu as your when everyone calls that god lolgenbu? <_<

All I said was okay...should I have said something else or something more preferable to your liking? haha

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