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Malekith said:

To everyone out there thinking of doing it, go for it! Keep doing it everyone, that way the bored people out there have something to QQ about to distract themselves from the fact they're nowhere near as cool as everyone else...

I suppose if a kid was smart enough to skip a grade or two in school, you'd be more than happy to hold them back because you'd want them to earn their way... I guess it's impossible for some people to handle skipping ahead and all the extra work and responsibility that comes from being in such a position...

I know it probably won't happen, but I'd die laughing if people who continuously did AB runs somehow got in trouble in the long run. By your (and many other people's) logic, follows the same example of the salvage dupers thinking they were doing nothing wrong. Justifying themselves because it's technically an error on SE's part and was done through clever but legit manners in game.

Of course, these are two completely separate and not even remotely similar in nature, But you see how it'd be funny how this would look if action was indeed taken on the characters. Similar to the "Anyone who thinks they'll get banned for this is *** retarded." quote; and we all know what happened to him xD

Anyways, I could care less how people earn their exp, I just hold alot more respect for those who do it in a manner that lets them actually do something, have fun and learn. Sitting in korrokola for 20 minutes and picking my nose... Not fun. Having light hearted DD e-peen battles with friends @ bird camp... My idea of a good time anyways ^^

Ninja edit: Kids who earn the right to skip a grade have merit to do so. Any group of fools can pull the AB stunt off. So forgive me if I find that to be a very poor comparison between the two.

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