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I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. In some senses I think it's great someone found a way to get easy exp but it's pretty fishy when someone is able to gain exp on untold levels and not lift a finger. That in of itself isn't right. Not to mention the result is someone who gained a massive handful of levels, if not all the way to 75 without even knowing what their job's purpose is, how to equip it, how to play it, and carrying over virtually zero skill.

However, I do see this as a nifty alternative to merit parties, for those who already took the time, effort, patience and gil to go through the ropes to actually learn and play their job to 75 and simply just wanna get the whole capped merits/exp thing over and done with. As you've heard a billion times from comic book superhero movies: "With great power, comes great responsibility."

If someone takes responsibility and are willingly accountable for their actions and do what they're supposed to then more power to them. Those who see this only as a form of immediate gratification to be "uber leet" and refuse to take liability for what they did and what they have now, then obviously these people (in my opinion) are unworthy of any praise or future gear from the endgame scene until they get their head out of their ***. Long story short: something that is wonderful for everyone can quickly be frowned upon when one or even a small group abuses it's purpose and uses it for selfish exploitation. It only takes one *** to ruin everyone's fun and cause a Q_Q fest.

Really long story put even shorter: Subjobs good! Merits good! Exp to 75 bad!

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