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The way I see it is there's a thin line between courtesy and business when it comes to crafting.

I'll take example A as a customer who wishes to make a peanut butter jelly sandwich. Now assuming he has zero crafting skill, he probably couldn't boil water without burning down the house. However such a task to pretty much anyone over (oh lets say) 50 skill would be downright petty. Assuming the customer is able to provide the bread, peanut butter, jelly and butter knife then it should be a simple free service to help out one in need for something small.

And in example B it'd be a monumental task for a customer to ask for something complex (let's say a washing machine), which would require extensive amount of skill and precision to make, and to reach such a point would take years of training, education, money and experience to obtain. Then comes the line being drawn where all things considered including labor, skill, parts, etc. the crafter most certainly indeed deserves in their own right compensation for such an extensive request. This can be gil or the right to keep the miraculous energy free washing machine that can also bake you cookies with given compensation to the provider of materials.

Where people draw the line is up to the individual but I certainly hope it's drawn somewhere for everyone.

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