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Hello fellow computer geeks and nerds. I've been using the same piece of crap computer for the past 8 years and it's truly on it's last leg. Been saving up for a few months and I'm almost ready to make the move in building myself a new PC. However, I haven't been up to date on computer technology news/info for 6+ years so I'm truly left in the dark.

I would truly appreciate some opinions and input on what combinations of parts would be ideal for my new PC (on a budget of roughly $600).

I currently have pure ***for parts, so almost anything would be a significant upgrade compared to what I got:

AMD Athlon XP 2500 (1.53 GHZ)
1 GB of DDR PC2100 RAM
AGP port with a Nvidia FX 5700 series card
80 GB HD running on PATA still

I'll be making all my purchases from Newegg, so check there if you would like to help me choose selective parts ^^

I appreciate the input, advice, opinions and help ^^ Thanks everyone~

PS: Speakers, Monitor(s) and peripherals will be purchased separately, so please make the focus on nothing more than the PC (case and PSU included).

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