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Korpg said:
Temeraire, its their life, let them live it the way they want. If they want to gimp themselves, let them.

People will see that they aren't the best at their jobs, and won't invite them to any of the good ***. We have jobs that doesn't require thinking at all, its called Bard, let that be the job they are best at.

The thing it all boils down to this

SMN burn will make your job under skilled~ so you go and skill wtv you missed out (probably take longer varies per job)

You missed out on some important "learning curves" Go out and {Level Sync} and play around with your job. Go in Camps and learn, die tons of time if you need to

But in the end some jobs play 100% Different when you do Endgame. Like what? 1st thing that comes to mind is rdm >.> from healing to enfeebling

When the last time you enfeeb something on birds o.o wait thats a bad thing :O!

In the end it depends who is playing the job. Ive seen Ninjas, PLD, RDM, BRD, SAM, RNG, etc Suck *** in exp pts and never learn from their mistakes if you like your job you will go out and read up about it, if you want to put effort in it! You will learn how to play it. So SMN burn isn't the cause for retarded players

Thats my 2cents

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