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Tbest said:
You log off at 75%, 50%, and 25% to avoid the massive Astral Flows from 9 Avatars. I for one see nothing wrong with logging out at all because you have a few choices here as far as I can see with absolutely zero PW experience myself... #1: Stun every avatar as well as PW at 75% IF they can even be stunned. #2: You run so far out of range that you're not hit by the AF's (Provided it doesn't have Draw-In which as far as I know it doesn't. And I'm not clear where exactly he summons the avatars to AF. I know everyone with hate gets hit whether in the Alliance or not.. But not the radius of AF or how he targets/centers.) #3: You ALL die to AF and then Reraise up and 'try' to stay alive while everyone's weakness wears off. Which didn't they do some of that with a lot of blu's spamming buffs/reraise/cannonball at one point? O.oa Anyway... Of those three.. I'd probably choose to have the majority log out and then log back in to avoid potential EXP loss as well as time lost from weakness. Now all of you that are complaining and saying they're not the best b/c they took down something you couldn't, stfu. And btw... Congratulations Apathy. =)

But the fact that you have to do something like that is just ridiculous on SE's part. It still doesn't make it a legit kill, point blank.

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