Wings Of Fury

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Wings of Fury
Zone Ghelsba Outpost
Orb Cloudy Orb
Seals 20
Info [Wiki]
Item Count 23
Max 500,000
Min 100
Average 51,070
Median 10,000
10,0000Very Slow
3,0001Dead Slow
10,0000Very Slow
Comments (9)
Phoenix.Chucho[Report] Score: 8
It is soloable as bst also. Need a lot of +CHR gear, tuna sushi for food and subjob of WHM. Also carry around 10-12 hipotion drinks, Zeta pet food, and HP regen drink. Go in, buff up w/ protect and barpoison, heal to full, drink HP drink and charm a furies. If it fails, wait for cooldown timer and try again. When it sticks, use (Familiar) right away and have pet attack Colo-Colo. When attack timer resets, have pet attack other Furies. Then run to the far side of the arena and heal up. When pet gets to around 50%, use (Reward). When pet dies, charm other furies and continue the beatdown on Colo. You will have to recharm this bat a couple of tiems till you put Colo away. Kill the remaining bat and pop the chest. More dangerous to solo, but a lot of fun as well.
2007-10-02 05:42:19
Asura.Riddick[Report] Score: 7
Strategy for 2 bst and WHM from FFXIclopedia

One Beastmaster attempts to Charm one of the Furies, while the other attacks the second Furies.
Once the Furies are successfully Charmed, that Beastmaster uses Familiar, his two-hour ability.
The Beastmaster then sends the charmed Furies to attack Colo-colo.
Both Beastmasters now converge on the uncharmed Furies and beat it to death, while the White Mage heals.
Once the uncharmed Furies are dead, the party waits for Colo-colo to kill the charmed Furies.
The party then converges on and kills the now weakened Colo-colo.
2007-07-13 16:30:27
Remora.Redchaos[Report] Score: 4
just adding to Riddick`s kick *** battle plan when u take 2 bst only 1 does 2hr if u both do well u just wasted ur 20 seals like his plan says only 1 bst 2hr my friends both did and ran out of time lol we did it with 2x bst and 1 x smn Riddick
ur plan covers this fight perfectly
thanks just got 2 astrals and like 4 thunder spirits
2007-08-09 02:40:27
Asura.Ichigosensei[Report] Score: 3
just did this with 3 bst lol , owns so much , we did it 3 times and no drops.. thunder spirit drops all 3 though lol
2007-07-01 12:01:40
Gilgamesh.Darktrance[Report] Score: 3
Not sure why you'd only charm 1 with 2 beastmasters. You can do this event with no 2 hours, it's tougher but possible. Better strategy is 2 BST, both charm furies, first one to land charm calls it and 2hrs, sick BOTH furies on Colocolo, recharm the other furie as needed. then sick furies on each other, break off the 2hred furie short of killing the uncharmed one, let the uncharmed furie finish off the 2hred one then just kill the half dead furie. Just don't steal hate by curing yourself, you can rest through most the match.
2008-08-21 19:46:52
Leviathan.Rikutheal[Report] Score: 2
Drop rate on Astral is LOW me and my friend together are 3/17 ; ; And I never even got 1 >.>
2007-06-12 20:25:41
Asura.Bluespy[Report] Score: -1
Well i did it as BST BST WHM and Riddick bad idea i used charm on right bats as other bst used charm on left and sent em to att colo-colo and one bat die and then we atted other bat when its ready :) 1/1 on Astral ring
2008-11-25 19:26:22
Lakshmi.Sgranty[Report] Score: -1
The strategy I use for 2xBST/WHM 1XPLD/WAR.
BST charm the Furies and attack the Colo-colo, all players converge on Colo-colo. BST recharm as necessary. Once Colo-colo dies attack the first Furies that uncharms, then finish off the final Furies.
BST cure themselves as necessary. Refresh items are good to have. Hi-pots incase mischarm happens.
PLD has refresh items and Hi-Pots to emergency Provoke any mobs if needed. Cures used also.

PLD 2-hour better than the WHM 2-hour as you can take hate and still kill.
2008-10-03 11:03:32
Asura.Devilray[Report] Score: -3
1 BST can SOLO this.
2008-08-25 22:55:37
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