yup very good way to increase fame this along with the quest in windy with cornettes will max all your fame even jueno
use this macro and youll find it done in no time
/item "itemname" <t>
two lines will save you about an hour of time
Actually to correct "Odin.Xsephirothx" Lakshmi is the server not the person, it's spelled does not dose, and Dmnone from Lakshmi was just saying that this + the cornette quest will help cap all your fame... the cornette quest gives you windy fame and the moss will give you the other zones noob, stop trying to show off by calling out the top commentors!
When you add the macro
Which is
/item "Boyahda Moss" <t>
the fastest way to execute that macro is by pressing either ALT or CTRL (Depends where have you set it) and spam ENTER. This will speed up the talk/trade.
So you don't have to press ALT/CTRL+Number then Enter for every trade.
It only took my mule about 6 stacks to get Jeuno hero fame and she was Rank 1 Windurst with almost no other quests done except a few turn ins of yaguo necklaces and the Trust quest done for windurst. Also completed lots of regimens not sure if that counts. But it would seem SE lowered the bar.