It's unfortunate, but Comentor makes a valid point. On one hand, it's good for people to get a good deal in purchasing materials so they can level their crafts efficiently, however when prices drop to the point where it's not worth the effort to provide the materials, we're going to hit a wall.
People have to recognize the effort required to procure/provide the materials on the AH and be willing to pay accordingly. SE makes the vendor sell and buy prices prohibitive because it's meant to foster a healthy, self-sustaining economy. If the player-fueled economy doesn't meet those standards, there is an issue with the price.
Hate to say this, but suck it up and support your crafters and farmers. One day you'll be trying to sell something, and you'll be the one hoping for a price that's fair for the effort.
As of May 2008 on Hades, these are now 8k a stack. They NPC to the guild for about 640, and to non-guild NPC for about 613 (high fame). That's 7200+ for a stack, with no AH fees. If you want to undercut, sell to the NPCs and leave the AH alone.