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Root » Furnishings
Info [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
Stock 1
Rate Slow (0.456 sold/day)
Median 100,000
Max 110,000
Min 80,000
Average 99,200
Last 100,000
Price History
2 Days Ago100,000
6 Days Ago100,000
9 Days Ago110,000
9 Days Ago100,000
GilPrice History1/272/52/132/223/90k100k25k50k75k125kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Price History (25)
Mar. 21, 2025AlchsellRacladant100,000
Mar. 16, 2025ManareiOrdinator100,000
Mar. 14, 2025TfarNohrin110,000
Mar. 14, 2025LibeccioNohrin100,000
Mar. 9, 2025MoncherieDionyses100,000
Mar. 4, 2025WenceLilbiggiesmalls110,000
Feb. 25, 2025SnowstormFordwin110,000
Feb. 23, 2025AsirkaSaaku110,000
Feb. 22, 2025GinreiChargingemu100,000
Feb. 22, 2025AyadaLindenbok100,000
Comments (14)
Alexander.Honeysuckle[Report] Score: 46
For carpenters interested in making these:
Woodworking (95), Goldsmithing (5)
Yield: Bookshelf
Earth Crystal
3 x Mahogany Lumber
3 x Tufa (bought from the goldsmithing guild ~20,400 gil each)

In response to Asianguy, it never gave "Moghancement: Fishing" it gave "Moghancement: Fire".

The following had "fishing" removed:
Armor Box, Coffer, Chest, Cabinet, Commode, Armoire, Reliquary, Cartonnier, Porc. Flowerpot, Brass Flowerpot, Earthen Flowerpot, Ceramic Flowerpot, Wooden Flowerpot, Arcane Flowerpot, 9-Drawer Almirah, 6-Drawer Almirah, 3-Drawer Almirah, Credenza, Bahut, Gallipot.
2008-06-09 21:48:54
Asura.Mashy[Report] Score: 15
Jun 9th 2008 update:
Raised from 4 Storage to 20 storage.
--==Increase in 16 Storage==--
2008-06-09 13:00:28
Shiva.Gnar[Report] Score: 1
Guild Points Value: 14,600 / 22,560 (2 items)
Only obtainable through synthesis.
2018-12-01 10:24:44
Bismarck.Harbor[Report] Score: 1
Moghancement: Fire
Aura Strength: 8
Placement: Floor; can place items on top
Dimensions: 5 x 2
2011-02-24 04:59:15
Bahamut.Vagrua[Report] Score: -1
13 of these should cap your fire aura in your moghouse.
2012-10-11 17:07:44
Carbuncle.Finalwolf[Report] Score: -1
Took 2 bookshelves to get 22560 points
2017-01-10 12:49:31
Seraph.Vladrek[Report] Score: -2
dudes seriously are you guys crazy!?!? this piece cost about 70k to produce and you are going to selling it a 20-30lk loss!?!? wtf this had no problems selling relatively quick @ 90k each and you guys wanna undercut and take a loss on the item!? you guys are ridiculous!
2009-04-11 04:48:45
Carbuncle.Riss[Report] Score: -5
As of June 9th update Storage on this item is now 20!
2008-06-10 19:05:45
Remora.Tailei Show Score: -10
ive cross checked this item on all the other servers and about 80% of them sell boofshelfs for 90K+ for the level of the craft and how expensive the materials are (especially if u break synth) i think this is about right! so PLEASE STOP UNDERCUTTING! if ur patient ur bookshelf WILL sell. keep them at about 90k and we will all be happy no?
2009-04-01 09:20:59
Ragnarok.Tarusclera Show Score: -12
I don't know why plp sell that at 50k when they spend about 70k to make it...
2008-06-12 09:59:29
Screenshots (3)
id:1487 Woodworking (95) Goldsmithing (5)
Total Cost25,500