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Root » Food » Meals » Seafood
Info [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
Stock 0
Stack Price 40,000 (40,000 per)
Rate Dead Slow (0.006 sold/day)
Median 5,000
Max 5,000
Min 4,000
Average 4,980
Last 5,000
Price History
15 Months Ago5,000
36 Months Ago5,000
38 Months Ago5,000
41 Months Ago5,000
GilPrice History12/2010/711/1511/157/200k1k2k3k4k5k6kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Vendor Prices
Name Zone Price
Mulnith Aht Urhgan Whitegate 3000 gil
Price History (25)
Jan. 1, 2024FibkhumThexder5,000
Apr. 10, 2022CanmellonTeve5,000
Feb. 7, 2022PoorePharaohsservant5,000
Nov. 23, 2021TekkamanPullu5,000
Jul. 20, 2021MazoDeadwing5,000
Dec. 10, 2020BolinCosmicfall5,000
Jan. 5, 2020ChernekoMadchildd5,000
Aug. 22, 2018HottlipsLittlelost5,000
Oct. 9, 2016YelisiaRagnus5,000
Nov. 15, 2013YukiluluDwyanewade5,000
Comments (9)
Cerberus.Moreana[Report] Score: 8
Confirmed that it DOES NOT work with BHEFHEL MARLIN after I spent a whole afternoon fishing for it.

I suspect it is because this recipe is from the "Near East" that it wants the Eastern fish.
2009-09-06 19:26:31
Bahamut.Maggikal[Report] Score: 7
you can buy these from NPC in Whitegate NPC name: Mulnith at F-9 3k each just FYI in case someone is to lazy to make them ^.^
2013-11-14 20:49:53
Cerberus.Inore[Report] Score: 6
Just spent a while fishing up the "substitute" for Kilicbaligi, and got nothing more than a "cannot complete" message. It is not a replacement, I confirmed this with another cooker.
2009-09-06 19:28:23
Ifrit.Rikirocket[Report] Score: 2
Stackable: 12

Food Effects: (30 minutes, All Races)
Dexterity +4
Mind -2
Attack +13%
2008-02-02 05:26:54
Quetzalcoatl.Khrnos[Report] Score: 2
GP: 900 Max: 4640
6 needed
2012-05-23 12:51:42
Shiva.Gnar[Report] Score: 2
Guild Points Value: 900 / 13,920 (15.5 items)
2018-04-29 11:28:11
Sylph.Nuisance[Report] Score: 0
GP: NQ: 600 HQ: 650
2010-04-15 09:41:00
Seraph.Kinkashito[Report] Score: 0
Um, I'm not sure how but, when I made these for the Guild Point item, I got the full 4,160 points for only 7. The AH says we need 11.09. I didn't turn them in one at a time, but all at once so I don't know how many points I got per each one.

I also went to the NPC who wasn't selling them due to us having just lost Astral Candy. So if you need them and AC is gone, best to try and fish these up. I had an okay rate on the boat to Nashmau and back to Al Zhabi with a Composite Fishing Rod and some slices of Blue tail.
2010-06-11 23:47:03
Leviathan.Dazzler[Report] Score: 0
Just confirming what Kinkashito said,I handed in x7 (at at same time) NQ and got full points :)
2010-08-22 16:09:18
Screenshots (1)
id:1469 Cooking (??)
Total Cost68,588