Vunk S with slice of bluetail on the west bridge, 10 sweepers in 10 casts for gp. If I had to guess id say its the only thing there that bites bluetail. Single !
Can also be found on the bridges inside Abyssea-Vunkerl if you don't feel like heading out to the past. Caught one every single cast with Sliced Bluetail.
Like others have said, if you're going to fish these for gp in Vunkerl or Abyssea - Vunkerl, use the bridges. Tried to fish these in the lake near conflux 1 with no luck, then I tried the west bridge and voila!
Lu Shang's + slice of bluetail; Vunkerl F-8 bridge, facing out to the sea. Fishing lvl 49. No fishing gear/enchantments. Dark day. Didn't even have to reel them in. See screenshot below.
Makes for a decent substitue food for PLD if your 60+ and find yourself without tacos, equip your "Pagures" (H2H that allows all races to eat raw fish) these fish give DEX-5 VIT+3 Defense +13% (the defense and vit are nice tho :p)