June '08 update, SE introduced items like the "Chef's Ring." Along with the ring's +1% success rate, cooks will also be unable to HQ items while wearing it.
While wearing the ring, you won't have to worry about getting "punished" now. ;p Yaycooksftw~
If it doesn't sell well because it's so expensive... There's a simple solution. Lower the price. You can still justifiably make it cost twice as much as the NQ, since it lasts twice as long. The cooks punishing themselves by making it cost this much, not being punished.
I believe the reason this item does not sell is because it is much more expensive than the NQ, and doesn't give more CHR, I think it would be a good idea for SE to give this HQ some more CHR that way cooks wouldn't be punished for HQ that doesn't sell well.