The number of damage absorbed per hit is equal to (Enhancing magic skill / 10) - 2. RDM can reach the highest with 320 Enhancing skill, 30 damage absorbed. A SCH/RDM can reach up to 309 Enhancing skill, and absorb up to 28 damage.
Royal Jelly BCNM has, by far, the highest known drop rate for Phalanx @ 15%, and it does NOT share a drop grouping with either Utsusemi: Ni (350K) or the Archer's Ring (600K). If you are going after this scroll for your RDM to save some gil, do NOT do any other BCNM's. Though, it also drops @7% from Under Observation BCNM in a seperate grouping from Peacock Charm (9%/2M). You have a 16% chance of getting one of the two there, so definitely worth a shot, especially if you are planning to sell it. As of this post I have been through 15 Royal Jellys and have seen this drop 4 times (27%).
Under Observation is a great way to obtain this scroll, either for your RDM or PLD, or gil. There's also a double-chance of Utsusemi: Ni, and of course Peacock Charm.
I have also done royal Jelly got some ok Drops , a few useful scrolls
But out of the 10 or so times Phalanx is the "Never-drop" despite the merit cost I'll take Phalanx 2 over nothing . I wish I had 35k when it was 35k , but way back then I just got gravity , and a buch of gear , and other spells , I grumbled at 65k , but 65k is some what attanable , 1.5 million is friggen robbery.
I understand that there's more demand for this spell, but that's no excuse for such an important spell to be so overpriced. If undercutting prices on AH is frowned upon, then what about overinflated prices?