Look dude if the spell is 75-100k that means RMT are controlling the NM's and manipulating the prices and your server has not addressed the issue by reporting the RMT's to the STFU. 15-25k is the normal price for this spell when it is not being monopolized by RMT.
The fact that your whining about it and saying you should charge party members for doing your job is utterly stupid. If you don't want to pay the overinflated RMT price I suggest reporting the RMT and or competing with them and outclaiming them for your drop.
You get shafted 2 ways because you leveled mages that require you to buy spells? Seriously if playing the game is "screwing you" quit now and save everyone the headache of listening to you whine.
I saw the price is 200k on my server. When I needed this item for my own WHM, I only paid about 15k for it. A friend needed the scroll for his WHM, so I farmed it off the Yag High Priest. No one else was there, so I had all the time I needed to get it to drop. Saved my friend a chunk of change - charged him 15k for the time (he wanted to pay something for my doing it).
I just want to thank the guys selling this scroll at a reasonable price still, and not insane like 60k that the guy named occkfc is trying to get for the multiple scrolls he has up, Im not going to say it, but with a name like that you know what he probably is...
On my server last night there was 1 left and i tried to get it since my whm is 56 and put in 17k nope wentas high as 35k and nope these dang RMT people should be banned for good