enough with your server specific gripes about price people. if these aren't worth enough for you.....fish for something else. there is a whole world full of fish out there
Also the problem with NPCing fish is not every cook fishes. I've been trying to get the fish to make a batch of tacos for a while now, but getting them from NPC is too expensive. I had a few fisherman friends I could get fish from in the past but a lot have quit -_-;. So be aware, this npcing the fish is prolly affecting taco prices.
If you lower the prices to the point it sells below NPC price then the RMT will NPC and the players in the "Anti RMT crusade" will be the ones losing. RMT are not always as stupid as we'd like to think they are.
Until the price picks back up, I'm certainly not AHing these and I encourage other fishermen to jump on board as well. There's a guild shop right on the ferry that buys these for around 450~ a peice. Why bother AHing? I say sell to the guild while we let the price recover.
I hate to be the one to explain this to you, but if all the fisherman who aren't RMT stop selling at AH, what is it going to do besides clear the way for RMT? All you'd do is lower the supply which will actually allow RMT to up the prices until you join in again and the cyle starts over. You'd be better off joining together and flooding the market until it useless for anyone including RMT to sell a specific item. OR YOU CAN HUNT RMT. We all see them, we all know where they are, we all know how to read the signs. Report them, make life as hard as possible for them or just suck it up.
Then again, I find it hard to believe that RMT are selling anything at AH for less than they can get at a NPC....clearly these people aren't stupid or they wouldn't still be here. It's much more likely that people are getting into fishing and therefore supply goes up, costs go down and it has nothing to do with RMT. I personally VERY rarely see bots now while fishing.
Undercutting is killing the fish market. It starts out worth 10k/stack, so people undercut until it is worth 9.5k/stack. Then people undercut down to 9k/stack until that becomes the norm and so on. That is how these items lose their worth and end up at like, 5k/stack.
@Asura.Wales: finally someone understood how things are working on the game, and don't spam his wisdom and knowledge about real economy! Most of the time demand and supply is not ruling the AH, impatience is...