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Root » Food » Fish
Info [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
Stock 1
Stack Price 50,000 (50,000 per)
Rate Dead Slow (0.019 sold/day)
Median 5,000
Max 5,000
Min 1,000
Average 4,840
Last 5,000
Price History
18 Days Ago5,000
5 Months Ago5,000
14 Months Ago5,000
14 Months Ago5,000
GilPrice History8/309/146/11/2910/40k1k2k3k4k5k6kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Vendor Prices
Name Zone Price
Babubu Port Windurst Guild Merchant
Price History (25)
Mar. 9, 2025HammerZymymar5,000
Nov. 7, 2024ZeusalmightyChikuyu5,000
Feb. 11, 2024ChronitaAlfylicious5,000
Feb. 11, 2024ThebiashAlfylicious5,000
Oct. 4, 2023BaconbitzBtrap5,000
Oct. 4, 2023SloveBtrap5,000
Aug. 31, 2023EnyodevilJovovich5,000
Apr. 7, 2023RharllNeobahamutaru5,000
Apr. 7, 2023FurtherzNeobahamutaru5,000
Jan. 29, 2023ChikaruuThekai5,000
BazaarShow All
Last Seen
Asura.Luseraph PM50,0002Port Jeunoabout 12 hours ago
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries (filtered from 2 total entries)
Comments (11)
Alexander.Linuse[Report] Score: 11
Fly Lure worked great on these. Used at East Sarutabaruta lake and got nothing but Crescent Fish bites.
2010-09-22 02:42:51
Lakshmi.Ripclaw[Report] Score: 5
1320 each / 5120 Max
4 for max Guild points
2009-02-28 19:43:27
Titan.Tasios[Report] Score: 4
Level 69 skill cap.
2010-06-29 18:33:28
Hades.Evilpaul[Report] Score: 3
Shellbugs in East Sarutabaruta at the Lake works well for these.
2009-12-03 15:16:18
Sylph.Peldin[Report] Score: 1
Waxing Gibbous (88%) at 7:35 game time. I caught my first crescent fish. By 8:45 game time of the same day, I caught the 4 I needed for guild points. Being day time didn't seem to affect it.
2014-02-16 12:16:06
Bahamut.Samunai[Report] Score: 0
this fish NPC's for around 440~ gil
2020-06-20 18:09:59
Ragnarok.Besi[Report] Score: 0
Maybe u were trying to catch them at sea instead of lake :p
2013-04-29 23:48:20
Sylph.Leonatos[Report] Score: 0
Fly Lure does indeed best at the Lake in East Sarutabaruta. However I cannot really confirm moon phase theory. But I can on the occasions I've fished these for GP's there is a noticeably better bite rate during night time hours.
2013-06-04 15:13:34
Odin.Foxmulder[Report] Score: -3
I noticed I started getting bites for these at night time. I had spent a good 20 minutes here beforehand and started pulling them in after the time shift. Might want to try fishing them at night.

Lightsday, New Moon (5%)
2012-04-07 11:01:20
Phoenix.Findanniin[Report] Score: -7
Stood in East-Saruta for 30 minutes, with Fly lure, and landed nothing but monke-onke, neer even seen any of these.
Wildly variable catchrate, or more influenced by moon than normal?
Crescent moon?
2011-12-26 06:40:18
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