Horrible guild point recipe - Acorns are barely on AH so you are left to choco dig or log them. Terrapin are often sold out because they are a skill up synth, so fishing 4-5 of these may make you hit your head against the desk repeatedly. Chicken bones also are iffy on the AH but thankfully those are easy to dig up in Tahrogi. Please SE - less turtle soup :( I would rather do GP with a truffle synth.
This is prolly 1 of the most annoying guild item recipes for cooking. There is a lot of leg work to get most of the materials, since ur not likely to find em on the AH.
@Kujata At least Chicken Bones can be gotten easily from Mog Garden shop in Rank 5 Monster Rearing if you've obtained or raised a Bugard. Terrapins BLOW! Acorns can thankfully be gotten from the gobbie in Leafellea. Main issue is the Danceshrom, only obtainable from the gobie in the port towns if they control the Movapolos Region(which often times is left to Beastmen control)