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Stack Price 20,000 (20,000 per)
Rate Very Slow (0.097 sold/day)
Median 1,000
Max 380,000,000
Min 1,000
Average 13,641,120
Last 1,000
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1 Months Ago1,000
2 Months Ago1,000
4 Months Ago1,000
4 Months Ago1,000
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Price History (25)
Feb. 24, 2025KingaceoneSunyana1,000
Feb. 8, 2025ZoettSaveth1,000
Dec. 11, 2024BluebellElohuah1,000
Nov. 25, 2024JpguldhaemrsynKarmas1,000
Nov. 25, 2024ElringspriestKarmas1,000
Nov. 25, 2024ShemeraltKarmas1,000
Nov. 25, 2024ShemeraltKarmas1,000
Nov. 25, 2024DallisKarmas1,000
Nov. 20, 2024ThavalDzha1,000
Nov. 8, 2024ShemeraltKimmon1,000
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Asura.Dokkas PM1,000134Open sea route to Mhaura9 minutes ago
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries (filtered from 2 total entries)
Comments (11)
Odin.Maddii[Report] Score: 340
drops by lonely housewife.
2011-12-16 13:03:38
Odin.Zicdeh[Report] Score: 99
SE missed a golden opportunity by not making these drop exclusively in the San d'Orian chapel.
2012-04-14 04:14:31
Asura.Sephirus[Report] Score: 41
Relic = Needs 50 to upgrade to +2
Relic+1 = Needs 30 to upgrade to +2
2011-12-15 07:44:21
Ragnarok.Nekonarf[Report] Score: 15
SAM, MNK, THF, BRD, WHM 300 currency sitting only on trents, and 65 touches is my current best in Valkurm.

You do not need procs for the mobs to drop these, so stop thinking you need to, pick an easy mob and just go old school merit party style on their ***, you'll get a decent amount of currency during the occasional WS proc time, and a bunch of a bunch of touches.

This was on the DC Trents near the Yagudos on the far west side of the beach where the HQ TE can pop, I'm sure in cities you could get more forgotten items, but less currency due to mobs not changing in weak time and have static weaknesses to their jobs.

Happy Hunting, hope this was enough decent info about how to farm these in mass amounts in a single session.
2011-12-17 20:38:47
Fenrir.Hyar[Report] Score: -1
Got two of these to drop in Dynamis Sandy.
2011-12-15 17:40:33
Ragnarok.Kingx[Report] Score: -6
Hand relic trial:
relic= 50pieces to upgrade to +2
relic+1= 30pieces to upgrade to+2
Relic+relic-1+currency+material+1week till tally for =+1 relic piece. make your choice.
2012-03-09 08:59:36
Bahamut.Seyton Show Score: -13
Drops in Dynamis Valkurm Dunes. Got 4 in 2 hours with DipperYuly.
2011-12-14 23:33:46
Bahamut.Kimikryo Show Score: -18
I got one from an EP Demon Ranger with Dipper Yuly in Dynamis Xarcabard
2011-12-19 17:28:44
Shiva.Elensar Show Score: -23
Considering how often we got these to drop its fair to say owners of +1 got boned. +1 is now a pointless upgrade stage and makes no sense allowing direct upgrade to +2.
2011-12-16 02:25:53
Shiva.Serenus Show Score: -30
Only DC Mobs! you don't need red and go bst go!
2011-12-18 17:54:51
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