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Ragnarok.Shadowmonkey PM500,0001King Ranperre's Tomb8 minutes ago
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Comments (10)
Fenrir.George[Report] Score: 72
I just picture him sitting at a small table with a tiny stool and sipping tea with his pinky finger extended.
2011-05-09 23:41:42
Asura.Ctownwoody[Report] Score: 49
Honeyed Tea is English, Sweet Tea is Southern.
Makes me wonder if you could spawn him with Biscuits and Gravy...
2011-05-28 12:47:06
Odin.Tsuneo[Report] Score: 31
Sounds like Nidhogg is a southerner to me.
2011-05-13 22:27:39
Cerberus.Arcmarc[Report] Score: 5
ksnm99 x7
fafnir x7
cup of sweet tea x0
2011-07-07 12:36:31
Lakshmi.Mahoro[Report] Score: -6
That pic of the McDonald's sweet tea is hilarious. Nice job.
2011-07-28 12:10:21
Alexander.Kryptonitic[Report] Score: -9
"Honeyed Tea is English" Umm... not really. As someone that's lived in England my whole life and drinks a tonne of tea I can tell you "English Breakfast Tea" is the 99% commonly drunk tea here. (not with honey in) Earl Grey "could" be drunk with honey in it but is better with lemon or nothing at all. In Eastern Europ particularly Hungary tea is commonly drunk with honey in however I couldn't tell you what type of tea that is. Don't know where the notion that honeyed or sweet tea is English has come from.
2012-03-11 12:37:17
Garuda.Ullysses Show Score: -11
ksnm99 x38
fafnir x38
cup of sweet tea x2
ridill x0..........(17% my A$$)
2012-04-07 05:26:39
Fenrir.Uzugami Show Score: -17
KS99x21, Fafnirx21, Ridillx1, Nidhoggx9 lol. (4 Ebodies,3 Mbodies, 1 Dalmatica, 1 Nlegs.)
2011-07-27 01:34:03
Quetzalcoatl.Khidir Show Score: -24
you can't be serious
2011-05-24 16:16:49
Ragnarok.Baconchips Show Score: -24
2011-11-16 18:40:40
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