The reason the Flame Geode cost more to get is simply supply and demand. There are alot of people myself included that took up quite a few STR/Fire paths meaning that this new item is needed by alot of people.
Problem is weather comes before the day when farming these for drops (eg. ice weather on firesday = possible ice drop) and the day of the week without weather has a very low drop rate. As not many areas have frequent fire weather it makes farming these a royal pain.
Just remember an item is only worth what you are willing to pay.
The higher price of Flame Geodes isn't because of the high demand for STR/Fire Path TOM weapons but because Goldsmiths are buying these as well to craft Flame Gems, which sell for 2 million (on Asura) and are used for high level synergy items.
Likely to be one of the higher and more sustaining geodes due to Fire Weather being hard to find and the large amount of people needing for STR path of Magian trials.
i do have a questing regarding the drop on these. given that i understand that weather is the primary factor in drops for geodes, why is it, that i can farm 50 mobs on firesday and get 0 and yet i can kill 50 mobs on water,wind,ice, earth day, still with no weather and walk away with 6-10 of those
I don't understand why the flame geodes drop rate is poor. I've been doing a lot of ToM and misc farming and I have almost a full stack of wind geodes, half a stack of earth, and 25-30 thunder geodes. Leave it to SE to make flame geodes as the tough one to farm.
I successfully gardened a bunch of these from Cactus Stems. I'm not a gardening pro, but I planted, fed, and harvested on firesday and only fed fire crystals. 6 geodes from a stack of cactus stems.