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Root » Materials » Smithing
Info [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
Stock 12
Stack Price 300,000 (300,000 per)
Rate Fast (4.399 sold/day)
Median 60,000
Max 60,000
Min 45,000
Average 58,120
Last 50,000
Price History
9 Hours Ago50,000
9 Hours Ago50,000
9 Hours Ago50,000
1 Days Ago60,000
GilPrice History3/223/233/243/243/260k10k20k30k40k50k60k70kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Price History (25)
Mar. 27, 2025MiiahAvghost50,000
Mar. 27, 2025MiiahAvghost50,000
Mar. 27, 2025MiiahAvghost50,000
Mar. 26, 2025PachakuteqMiiah60,000
Mar. 26, 2025MitttensMiiah60,000
Mar. 25, 2025EonthMargerydaw60,000
Mar. 25, 2025KorolMargerydaw60,000
Mar. 25, 2025PachakuteqMargerydaw60,000
Mar. 24, 2025ArikviceroyLuvy60,000
Mar. 24, 2025ShatottoLuvy60,000
BazaarShow All
Last Seen
Asura.Xare PM50,00014Nashmauabout an hour ago
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries (filtered from 2 total entries)
Comments (14)
Fenrir.Xenora[Report] Score: 39
Obtained from mining in Halvung and Mount Zhayolm, need 3 of these for the Alexander avatar fight
2010-03-23 03:40:18
Phoenix.Dooom[Report] Score: 21
Found under Materials > Smithing.
2010-03-23 07:47:29
Leviathan.Draylo[Report] Score: 18
Also drops from Troll Lapidarist in Halvung.
2010-03-24 01:55:09
Ragnarok.Trixi[Report] Score: 16
Drops from Troll Ironworkers in Halvung.
2010-03-23 23:56:43
Ramuh.Emeryk[Report] Score: 6
Just because an item is for sale at a price that seems unfair does not make the sellers RMT. There is very little to possibly no RMT activity in Mt. Zhayolm or Halvung (never was any in halvung) anymore. I was able to sell ~12 of these ranging prices from 30k-90k. I was in Mt. Zhayolm immediately after the update mining for khroma ore, my usual occupation, now that so many people are mining for plumbago it's impossible to get a decent amount of mining points per hour. Because mining points are so hard to get now, prices will naturally be high... If you want your plumbago cheap go and mine it for yourself, against the 12-20 other people competing for it at the same time.

Another option is you could just be patient, eventually these prices will fall because they're easy to mine in Mt. Zhayolm and people are already there mining for khroma and other materials.

Simple economics kids ^^
2010-03-25 14:01:54
Ifrit.Delsinax[Report] Score: 3
The FFXIclopedia link points to the Fields of Valor NM. The correct link for the item is: http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/Plumbago_(Item)
2010-03-30 01:00:20
Ramuh.Mizuharu[Report] Score: 2
Just got this off a Woodtroll Warrior in Wajaom Woodlands.
2010-04-16 00:02:29
Bahamut.Xilk[Report] Score: -1
Also drops from Hilltroll warrior in Mount Zhayolm. safe bet to say any war or drk trolls drop it.
2011-12-03 08:39:46
Fairy.Koryuu Show Score: -12
would be awesome if nobody tried to buy this but Im betting they just havent added last sales list yet
2010-03-24 05:29:12
Cerberus.Mitsukai Show Score: -12
Considering it's been discovered that it drops from mobs now and doesn't necessarily have to be mined, if you're still paying more than 5k for this, you're a *** idiot.
2010-04-26 05:40:17
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