If you trade 4 stacks of twelve rolandberries 3 times, you'll have 12 sheets of vellum. Several NPC's in Jeuno sell for 120 each. That's 17280. If you getting vellum for Scholar Quest compare that price to price of vellum to decide what's worth what.
If you buy the Rolanberrys from M&P Market in Upper Jeuno for 120g each, it comes out to 1,440g per 1 stack of berrys. If you buy 12 stacks and take them to Tucker in Crawler's Nest [S], it comes out to 17,280.
It is approximately 7.7k cheaper to have these crafted then to buy from the Auction house. Also you will save 8k by having them crafted if you traded 12 stacks of rolanberries to Tucker(12x 12 x120 = 17740 GIL)