Skills: Woodworking ; Goldsmithing
Crystal: Wind
1 x Bamboo stick
1 x Palladian brass sheet
2 x Pieces of wisteria lumber
1 x Pot of urushi
1 x gendawa
I suck at Japanese but man I can't figure out the translated name of this bow. "Yumi" is simply "Bow" in japanese, so "Nurigome" is the word I'm trying to define.
"Nurigome" as one word is a small sleeping area used by master/mistress of the house, usually a 3-walled area so I doubt thats it...
"Nuri" seems to relate to Urushi/coating, consier its ingredients this seems accurate...
But, "Gome" in japanese all I can get is "Rice", as "Urushi Coated Rice Bow" kinda doesn't make sense, I looked at other definitions....
"Gome" can be an Alternative form of "Goom", an old-english term, and "Goom" can be rooted in many things but mostly mean "Man", also sometimes "Lord, Hero"
Around 300k in the AH on Leviathan at the time of writing this, making this a rather inexpensive bow in comparison for those who for whatever reason could not obtain the higher DPS Vision Bow (besides Vision cannot be used by a Sam).