Dropped From Level Zone
Dark Ixion (NM) 88-90 Batallia Downs (S)
88-90 East Ronfaure (S)
88-90 Fort Karugo-Narugo (S)
88-90 Grauberg (S)
88-90 Jugner Forest (S)
88-90 Rolanberry Fields (S)
88-90 West Sarutabaruta (S)
Dagger is claimed to have 64.2% drop rate. A high drop rate, this price should come down once people start to camp it.
Dear Eiladar
1) Azoth it by far the best dagger for DNC, the high delay and DMG make Sambas more efficient.
2) 1 million is a pretty common price for 4 Acc, 4 Eva and 4 AGI. Just look at the SH and compare it to the HQ version of it. Or Sniper's ring and the HQ version of that.
3) DNC can't even use the Harpe.
4) It think you're the one smoking crack.
I noticed everyone only compares this dagger to other options for THF. Figured the item could use a comment from the DNC perspective.
This is the highest DMG dagger a Dancer can equip. You won't be disappointed with the damage you produce when main-handing this. Slap a Behemoth Knife +1 into offhand for more attack, throw on Saber Dance, and smack the occasional 1800+ DE in merit PT, and you'll fall in love with it.
Look forward to the price on these dropping now that the magian quests let you build a 38 damage 201 delay dagger and a 31 damage 211 delay occasionally attacks twice dagger.
Great Dagger for DNC or THF especially if your looking for a large amount of EVA in your set's, throw this in and ad the extra 4 just to be untouchable after you stack on your gear
Just got this for my THF from a Pony drop. Damn good dagger and much better then having to deal with then camping a P-Harpe in the 50+ kills which I've never seen drop.