The Drop Rate on the "Smokey Lamp" pop item is sooooo bad.The Rmt's have even givin up on it. Not to Mention the NM "Big Bomb" doesnt like Dropping the Fire Bomblet everytime, so u may be here a while... pack a lunch, crack open a beer your gonna need it.
This piece owned the bomb core for almost all jobs unless THF when you need both, fire bomblet for melee and bomb core for SA/TA + Shark Bite/Mandalic Stab.
This item is no less then a godsend and if you reallllllly want it and dont wanna pay it can be easily farmed with your friends if you bring th4 and some patience.
For WAR DRK and NIN, yap this bomblet is a really nice piece of equipment, but not for THFs because they are better off using range weapons.. i.e. Ziska's Crossbow.