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DPS: 762
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Comments (5)
Midgardsormr.Feedmenow[Report] Score: 0
It certainly doesn't have the WS average of Perdu or other Great Axe options, but with how much faster you can gain TP, you can easily make up for the lower averages with much higher WS amounts. It can beat Perdu Voulge on merit mobs, as mentioned by Abriel.

Aside from pure damage, this is great for campaign battles and /dnc.

Along the same tier as Perdu Voulge and latent-activated Rune Chopper. I personally switch between the three of them depending on the event.
2009-12-17 17:57:45
Remora.Abriel[Report] Score: 0
Yes, this is most likely the best great axe to use for merit level mobs, relic aside. But, info on it's 'occasionally attacks twice' ability is often wrong.

Fort. axe's 2x attack cannot proc. during WSs. This is very easy to test if you set up spellcast to swap in virtue stones only during WSs. Make sure to do this outside of merit pts (obviously) and without haste buffs so that you don't attack directly after you use a WS possibly causing errors in your results.

This axe cannot attack four times in one round. I don't care how rare someone may say it is, I've tested this by wearing +slow% gear over several sessions consisting of three hours (or more) periods of only auto-attacking mobs. The rumor of it being able to happen was started by people observing Faith baghnahks proc. multiple times in one round (this occurs because H2H gets 2 base attacks per round), and didn't understand that with high haste values a double attack + fort. ace proc. will end the attack round as the next
2009-11-16 16:57:27
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] Score: 0
@Thejoe Everything on FFXI, now or ever is read over the internet. No exceptions, every thing you know about FF down to EXPing you've read or seen over the internet. It's been proven time and time again that the Virtue weapons do stack with Double Attack, I just happened to be perving this page, that doesn't mean this page is the only one that has been tested. For instance, the Hand to Hand have been proven to be able to attack up to 8 times with at least one form of Double Attack trait (i.e; Brutal Earring). Not to mention the fact that they might have been WAR when testing this would make it much easier to prove. To conclude my wall of text, your arguments are completely hypothetical, yet your saying personal experience > All which completely contradicts your points. As for Brutal, it's Double Attack, it can indeed add an extra hit to WS, however this is Occ. Attack Twice, it cannot proc on WS. P.S. Yakoo seems to have some personal experience with it, take your own advice?
2010-05-25 03:36:54
Sylph.Penance[Report] Score: -2
I'm tired of seeing this arguement by people... any weapon that can attack x number of times CANNOT (regardless of if its a jailer weapon or not) proc double attack on a weapon skill. I own a Soboro and i have never proc'd a Double or a Triple Attack on ANY of the 3000+ weapon skills i've done with it (3000+ refers to the number of ws's not dmg) I used a love halberd which i got from helping my bud's ls and after hours of testing NEVER proc'd a doubled attack on a ws with it so stop spreading mis-information it confuses the people that look at the comment section for helpful information.
to Sindri: I've recently obtained a new L.Halberd and am doing more extensive testing not using any double attak gear and spamming leg sweep, and after 6hrs of testing for 3day's straight my tp return stays the same and the damage hovers around the same shitty 110-130 on Lesser Birds. how about helping me with the test? you know, once you get Sea access and lvl a job 73 that can use a jailer weapon.
2010-01-31 05:02:01
Cerberus.Thejoe[Report] Score: -3
LOL Sindri i just checked your profile and your only on lolairship, get real kid. oh and dont believe EVERYTHING you read on the internet. most of the people that tested this weapon were war most likely, i've even heard countless reports of there being absolutley no double attack on ws from any of the other weapons (if your using a brutal,pole,askar, or anytype of gear that gives multi-hit + and you say the weapon did it your an idiot.)just be sure to take everything you read and hear with a grain of salt. Remember everyone, Personal Experience > all else. (something sindri doesnt understand cause he's on lolairship fight).
2010-02-06 00:53:04
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