Wait a mere 2 levels, get centurion's axe, save 40k. Or wait 3 levels get and Voulge or Twicer, both of which are both better AND cheaper.
If you have excess gil to burn, I suppose this makes a good "rental".
I just don't think its worth the 70k-ish pricetag it had at the time I 1st posted this. Theres really no reason to pay so much when cheaper (and BETTER) alternatives exist.
you can make an account on ffxi AH and try to mod this post down so nobody sees it because you are scared yours won't sell, OH NOES.
Theres a HUGE difference between 2 levels and 9 levels..The difference between military and centurion's performance wise is trivial.
You come across as someone pissed that they just heard their overpriced gear wasn't the leetest on the block implying anyone not agreeing isn't "smart enough".
"Its the best"
No, it isn't. The differences between this and centurion's axe are marginal at best. Voulge and Twicer outright beat it.
"Why waste gil on a Voulge when you can wait 3 levels and get a Heavy Axe? But wait, why get a Heavy Axe when you can wait 3 levels and get a Horror Voulge? Your logic is flawless."
Yours is a slippery slope and straw man.
"I'm smart enough to make gil!"
No, you are foolish enough to waste time trying to insult anyone who saw it as very overpriced. Its down to 30k now which is a LOT more reasonable for newbies who haven't learned how to make the big bucks yet. Don't imply they are dumb or that they must have this. I've parsed this btw, and military didn't win. But like I said the difference is puny. If you've got gil to blow just for level capped things great, but this isn't worth going out of your way for, especially not for just 2 levels in exp. Whine all you like spam that rate button whatever makes you feel better.