An even cheaper alternative to Speed Belt and Dusk Gloves +1 would be:
Chopper 9%
Walahra Turban 5%
Swift Belt 4%
NQ Dusk Hands 3%
Homam Legs 3%
Homam/Dusk Feet 3%/2%
You would also need to pick up the JSE Gloom Breastplate to replace your AF helm's enhanced souleater effect.
Always is an option for WARs, if you have a Red Mage willing to refresh you. The haste will easily beat out perdu voulge, just keep in mind that you can hit the haste cap of 25% with the latent on.
My personal favorite for einherjar and for zerging after the initial WS.
This is a truly broken weapon indeed for WAR/SAM in merits, as long as you have Refresh from Sigil/Sanction that 1 tic is enough to activate the latent effect of 9% haste. Yes it steals 3 MP per tic, but only 1 mp is required for the latent to activate.
Its like Apoc but w/out having to use a Weak WS. You have the Same capped haste as Apoc but instead your are Spamming KJ and RR which put DRK WS to shame. Youll outparse Apoc Drks and Even Bravura w/ this setup, if you dont believe me try it out numbers and parsers dont lie :P
After Completing my Apoc, I ran some parse tests vs. Gradd on and off Apoc vs. Rune Chopper WAR/SAM, gotta say, pre-basedmg boost on relics, this was far superior, retaliation, 117DEX(onTPbuild), 26% haste and WARs natural DA as well as RR destroying Cata, made me want to play indian giver with my new acquired toy;; Broken combo is broken
With the haste cap, you can get this down to ~100 delay, so just under one swing every second. That coupled with ~100 from GA skill and 12% of your HP with around 1300 HP would net you something in the region of 7.5k damage in 30 seconds of Blood Weapon.
While it's by no means the best zerg tool, it still has some merit, though nothing compared to what it used to be before the 80% haste cap.