Must have for brd bst whm rdm and Smn
BST For succes of charm.
BRD For Lullaby So it will stick better and resist will be alot less.
WHM&RDM For Healing.
And SMN Offcourse for Carbuncle gives him -2 Perp With other items u can get Carby free and even get mp with him on.
In my Opinion this is one of the best weapons even in endgame for these jobs.
Hidden Effect
10% increase to Light Element Magic Spells
10% decrease to Dark Element Magic Spells
Charm success rate +10%
-2 Avatar Perpetuation Cost for Carbuncle and Light Spirit
+2 Avatar Perpetuation Cost for Diabolos, Fenrir, and Dark Spirit
+10% increase to the weapon attribute Additional Effect: Light Damage