Bottom line, Tefnut Wand only cures for 8 HP more(cure6) over the Surya's Staff +2 build, but that is still more :) So @Fenrir.Gradd you were right, and in fact if you get Genbu's Shield augmented with 5% you can even exceed the ToM Staff. Anything less than 5% though will fall below, and at 4% Cure Potency Surya's Staff +2 will cure for 1 HP more.
@Kalilla and others :D
ppl seem to ignore that ToM staff will much probably obtain additional cure potency % in the next lvs increase. So spending that much money for an item that is slightly better for only a few months is foolish. Of course if someone doesn't feel like taking the time for a Surya staff this remains a valid alternative. But really Surya will still be the best option for WHM.
Cure potency is very easy to reach without the need of Arka IV , if you have a Tefnut Wand + Genbu Shield combo, genbu shield haves a very nice cure casting speed of 7% as well, cure casting time is no longer 50%, it's 80% now
See the following item sets for comparison (VIT+ is the same for both sets):
Item set # 255028 - Staff
Total bonuses: +50% Potency, +88~91 Healing Magic Skill, +30 MND
Item set # 256460 - Tefnut / Shield
Total bonuses: 50% potency, +83 skill, +43 MND
The staff build DOES have more skill, but considering 1 skill ~ 2 MND, the +13 MND on the Tefnut set accounts to an extra ~6.5 skill roughly so it would be SLIGHTLY better (+1.5~ skill advantage worth of potency) outside of Lightsday where the Staff build will win regardless.
Suppose it boils down to preference nowadays. Get lucky on Genbu's augments? Use Tefnut. Don't like club/shield? Use staff. There's situations one is better than the other, at least until more gear comes out. There isn't a given "X is always better than Y" here.
The Surya's might gain additional potency through updates however the difference is marginal with good genbu's shield augments coupled with tefnut. Personally, i'd prefer to lose the 10hp or so and gain extra cure spellcasting time-. Tefnut is a win-win situation at the moment when coupled with a good augmented Genbu's shield.
There's a screenshot of a Genbu's shield augmented with cure potency +4%, which was on their first try, so it *might* go higher than that.
So while not quite as high cure pot as surya's, this wand and an augmented shield will be a damn nice combo, potentially even the best option, and most probably for a lot less effort than doing ToM.
With the update to Healing Magic and it's effect on curing, this, paired with the Genbu's augments, is better than using the Cure Staff for WHM.You can cap Cure Potency with ease, and adding Healing Magic Skill actually has a worth now.
Combine Genbu's Shield with Synergy to add Cure Pot+5% / cure Spellcasting -8% / MP+20 and a Tefnut wand for those WHM's that like to melee, though situational.