This is a extremely nice GK for the level range it covers almost all the way up to 70+. It drops from these two NMs.
KoH(Keeper of Halidom spawns at J-7 of the Sanctuary of Zitah from the two goobbue there every 1-3 hours. Often within the first two hours) easily solo by most jobs 75 and some jobs at 60+. Around a .04% Drop Rate.
Ancient Goobbue (Respawn around (E-10), below the waterfall, approximately every 21-24 hours. In the Boyahada Tree) This mob has a unknown drop rate claimed to be extremely rare. Best if tag teamed by two lvl 75's because it has hundred fist and extremely high crit rating. Now with that said. From what I have been told and what I have calculated. This item should drop 1/2,500 kills at least LOL! With that said and lets say you killed KoH each time. You get the following every kill. 2x Moss, x1 Cutting and with that said.You should make the following before you get a Daihannya.208 Stacks of Cuttings= 7,072,000 Gil on Odin + 416 Stacks of Moss= 3,744,000
I can confirm this indeed does drop from Keeper of Halidom in Zi'tah and appraises from the ??? sword dropped from Keeper in Nyzul Isle Assault. I have seen it drop in both places. GL camping.
Camped this NM on and off for about one year, finally got the drop! 1/38 with TH2-3. I really hate to say it, but its alot easier to buy the GKT from the Auction house, versus camping it and praying you get extremely lucky. When I think of how much gil I coulda farmed instead of spending 100+ hours camping this NM it makes me cry lol.