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DPS: 866
Root » Weapons » Daggers
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Stock 3
Rate Average (1.530 sold/day)
Median 280,000
List Characters: [Owned] [Equipped]
Max 330,000
Min 200,000
Average 278,100
Last 280,000
Price History
21 Hours Ago280,000
21 Hours Ago300,000
23 Hours Ago270,000
2 Days Ago270,000
GilPrice History3/63/83/133/163/200k50k100k150k200k250k300k350kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Price History (25)
Mar. 22, 2025MetroidxgirlLhova280,000
Mar. 22, 2025MetroidxgirlSchteebly300,000
Mar. 21, 2025MetroidxgirlTomosai270,000
Mar. 21, 2025TogiraDerrina270,000
Mar. 20, 2025HellenkellerDeadlyreaper270,000
Mar. 19, 2025StinkypinkyPunkinbuster260,000
Mar. 19, 2025MetroidxgirlMaxbuster260,000
Mar. 19, 2025TheshortoneMerlock250,000
Mar. 16, 2025DidntevolveDokanru300,000
Mar. 16, 2025ThefifthTactique280,000
Comments (18)
Midgardsormr.Sammitch[Report] Score: 92
If you will permit some simplification in the stats discussion:

It gives you one more "Treasure Hunter" than you had before.

That is as accurate as anything will ever be.
2009-09-11 14:02:47
Titan.Relicant[Report] Score: 30

There is no way for that 1% assumption to be proven. No one knows how treasure hunter is calculated exactly as SE has released very minimal information about it. Furthermore it is an increase of considerably more than 1% as witnessed by hundreds of thieves posting about it on wiki.
2008-07-30 07:12:11
Fairy.Azulmagia[Report] Score: 23
The most accepted theory on Treasure Hunter is that each tier of TH adds a "re-roll", or another chance to obtain the item.

Example: Bounding Boots have a 7.5% drop rate. If you have TH4, you essentially have four chances to obtain a 7.5% drop (as if you killed Leaping Lizzy four times).

For Diorite, you have four chances at a 1% drop. For Boyahda Moss, you have four chances at a 40% drop. Therefore, TH makes a much more significant impact on drops that have a higher drop rate than those that don't.
2009-08-20 13:46:42
Quetzalcoatl.Sanborn[Report] Score: 17
@ Enternius
Pre update Sozu Rogeberry was never a 21 to 24 hour spawn as you say, it was just an incredibly rare drop. as well as being approximately 2 to 8 hour NM. I spent a solid six months in the Temple and went 0/107 before finally breaking down and paying 12m for the dagger... A week later and without notice, SE changed Rogberry to a triggered spawn.
2008-10-08 23:12:47
Fairy.Winterlight[Report] Score: 13
Wouldn't TH4 give you 5 rolls? You already get one roll without TH and presumably TH1 gives you one more roll i.e., two rolls. Meaning that TH4 gives you 5 rolls.

So that means with TH4 and a 7.5% drop rate you have a 32.28% chance of getting it. 1-((1-[drop rate])^(1+[TH level])
2010-01-25 23:10:22
Carbuncle.Kayrie[Report] Score: 7
Just to correct Quetzalcoatl.Itikuo.
There is indeed a lvl 70 Tarutaru Sash that can be obtained in Abyssea - La Theine that can have TH+1 Augment. However, it is not equip-able by THFs. Also you forgot TH3 is acquired @ lvl 90.
2011-06-04 21:59:45
Odin.Armada[Report] Score: 5
On the morning of November 24'th, 2006, I camped Sozu Rogberry for the very first time. It just so happened to be the very morning SE did their first RMT round banning. They hit them everywhere, from money NMs, to the Sky Armada that had the place on lockdown for well over a year and a half monopolizing Ulli and Faust.

There I was camping Sozu, when all of a sudden I watched a room full of RMT get the red disconnection symbol next to their names. Minutes later, Sozu pops, and I claim it uncontested. Needless to say, I go 1/1 on a knife that never drops, and sells for around 70M. I couldn't believe it. I let my HNMLS know and the only two THF that happened to own one shared their horror stories about the many, many months they spent in the temple camping against RMT for it.

If only I'd sold it.... Little did I know that just a few months later, SE would make it a 100% drop that barely sells for 100k.
2012-07-10 00:56:30
Fenrir.Moldtech[Report] Score: -2
As per SE, should be fulltimed during the entirety of any fight you will be in where treasure hunter is wanted.
2013-12-23 02:25:20
Valefor.Surishorisho[Report] Score: -6
my opinion on drops is that they are determined as the mob spawns/is claimed with some variables such as TH or in abby weakness procs which are also predetermined at spawn what they will add to the loot list when you kill it

I also want to affirm that you can proc higher than TH 10 on mobs granted it is very hard to do and is only really plausible on really long fights(which SE has almost completely removed most situations with the 99 cap), I personally was able to proc TH12 on simurgh while trioing it at level 90 granted it almost enraged but its still possible

on an end note I love how people down rate dated info from comments that were posted years ago during the 75 cap times rather than down rate why doesn't the FFXIAH moderators do some spring cleaning with the old comments?
2012-11-19 19:44:41
Carbuncle.Lokodi Show Score: -25
Until they had changed TH (prior to the proc update for TH) all the items only actually boosted TH1. It wasn't a progression up to th4 like everybody was spouting. And the way TH worked was 95% speculation 5% random lol (random %'s thrown in). But now with the proc system it doesn't really matter what TH you have (and all are tied together now), as all can proc up to th10 if the mob has the HP and you have the time. 0 reason for this to be over 50k anymore.

*side note* STOP leaving TH items on after you proc initial th lvl. Th stays on the mob even if you die. test it you'll see.
2011-05-30 05:53:16
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