I use this body all the time while going whm/nin accuracy helps alot and you don't even notice the -25mp definitely a good solo piece for whm or just to look more like a warrior
Not a full-time piece by any means. Great for TP gain (I'm partial to haste (Goliard Saio/Nashira Manteel) when acc isn't an issue), but not so great for WS. Sure, you get acc, but MND is a modifier for the Hexa Strike (and lolBlackHalo), so this piece hurts that aspect.
WS-wise, try a Tabin Jupon (or its HQ)...you'll be happy with it.
Before you rate me down though--I *do* use this piece most of the time, so long as I need the accuracy (which given Elvaan DEX and a B+ in club, I usually do on anything above EM). I'm just saying that it's not the end-all, be-all melee WHM body. Hell, a freakin Hydra Doublet (rare as that is) would get my vote over this piece, but I'm being realistic.