Typically used for macroing into weapon skills. Samurai main weaponskills have a 75% mod of STR, meaning 75% of your STR is added to the base damage of your weapon. These are a very reasonable upgrade. I\'m 0/4 :p
Great for 1 hit WS, or Sneak Attack WS. SAM\'s main WS have a STR_75%, Spinning Slash(30), Ground Strike(50), and Spiral Hell(50) also have pretty big STR modifiers. I\'m buying mine soon, JUST for WS. Better options on hands than STR+9 or higher for TP Build.
Meleeing in these, or using these with any multi hit weaponskill is silly, and you should be ashamed for even thinking you can do so. Ninjas with these gloves should be shot, as well. The more you know.