When you look at the other +4 or +5 CHR rings out there this one is (currently) a great value under 250k. Also note the Allure Ring's Resist Vs. Light is only +8 where this ring is +9. The Allure Ring +1 is +9 with 3 def but is 1/2 mil gil.
Bottom line, if you can't afford the Light Ring this is a GREAT value until you can.... at least until people realize its substantially undervalued vs the competition and kick it up to the 250k+ range.
(Some wide differences by server on some of these prices as well, so ymmv)
Allure Ring (+4CHR) 80k
Allure Ring +1 (+4CHR) 500k
Heavens Ring +1(+5CHR) 2+Mil
Light Ring (+5CHR) 380k