Vagrua ... that is totally why people would level gold 90+ synergy to 70+ and would take a rare hq3 of a 51 cap synth to supply the rest of the world with rings at cost... dumbass
Careful, you'll scare away potential customers for crafters!
On another note, it costs about 500k to make one of these on my server. Why they sell double their price is beyond me. Synergy lets crafters repeat trying to make the syth without loss of materials. I could understand a 100-250k profit, but double is a bit much even to me. Are you going to spend over 100-200k on fewell trying to make this ring? I think not.
Sheelay's logic is pretty sound, why spend 1-2mil on a ring now when the next update something better will just come out and your ring will be worth 200k.
As far as rings are concerned you are better off getting something from a NM and waiting FSTR is already capped anyways due to atma/cruor buffs.