500skill obtainable with this cape.
Mirage Keffiyeh+2, Mavi Scarf, Magus jubbah(+1), Symbios Gloves, Antica Ring, Mavi Tayt+2,Mavi Tathlum, Blood greaves with+4, this cape and merits.
Uses include Occultation's 10th shadow and spells like Magic barrier. Also a good physical casting piece.
Very slightly better than Vigilant Mantle +1 for most physical spells besides Heavy Strike. Also serves a triple purpose for not only damage, but Magic Barrier/Stoneskins and Magic Accuracy for debuffs.
Totally not worth the 5m that people want for it though.
You can substitute the Symbios Gloves for a pair of Khepri Wristbands (if you're lucky enough) and get 3 more blue magic skill with better stats.