where are the nagi ninja's at and does this weapon make you a god at AA over burtang PLD? I nead too hear from ninjas that rock a nagi, if not let this be dead.. I tryna figure if i want a conq,burtang or nagi!?
the locked thread is good direction but how then do all situations apply too nagi ninja? lowers accuracy of targetmob, kinda does somewhat what your talking about.. constant 30 enmity on all dmg output/actions. constant multihit on mainhand? maybe ninja's only purpose is too have a nagi ?
Id love too see a nagi in action on AA fights.. can someone record their fights with nagi in hand? id love too watch
run on post.. iknow.imsorry.. i need too figure out which virgil weapon too start recording assaults with.. id like too consider this weapon, if i could get some ppl who can make some video recordings of nagi in action ty & /salute