Where Will YOU Be After November?

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Where will YOU be after November?
Posts: 437
By protectorchrono 2015-10-03 17:53:01
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Sup everyone, random thought crossed my mind earlier about the final content update next month and I was wondering to myself, what will I do after November rolls around? Will I still be playing FFXI? Honestly, I don't know lol. Money is tight lately, so I might decide to cancel after November, maybe early December. Kinda on a mini break right now actually til the 10th so I can sort things out financial wise before I return to wrap up some final things I want to get done and just enjoy the time I got left on the game. Spent a good 10 years on the game and it was time I don't regret spending in Vana'diel. I'm looking forward to the final RoV chapter, then things will come full circle sort of speak. xD

So guys, what are your plans for November and beyond?
Server: Fenrir
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user: Venomfury
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By Fenrir.Ramzus 2015-10-03 18:26:26
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Considering I haven't even come close to capping out on September/August stuff yet (not even including HQs) I think I've probably got a long way to go until I get bored of the November update. Having a linkshell and friends definitely helps keep the game fun.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Ihina 2015-10-03 18:38:16
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Not that I want to, but I'll probably be taking pictures.
Posts: 512
By Zubis 2015-10-03 18:50:07
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Probably recording some videos.

I see myself hanging around until December. I might come back after the console release is discontinued however to see what things are like for a month or two.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Foreverj
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By Bahamut.Foreverj 2015-10-03 19:16:22
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Fenrir.Ramzus said: »
Considering I haven't even come close to capping out on September/August stuff yet (not even including HQs) I think I've probably got a long way to go until I get bored of the November update. Having a linkshell and friends definitely helps keep the game fun.

I agree. I have enough things to do to last till June without the final update.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Snprphnx
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By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2015-10-03 19:27:05
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Just because the storyline ends in November, doesn't mean the game will. There will still be content to beat, gear to obtain, and fun times to be had.

Honestly, SE has been putting a lot of effort into the game this past year, giving PC players loads of new UI upgrades, like ally TP, status timers, dual chat logs, etc. They plan on continuing PC support for a while.
By Draylo 2015-10-03 19:42:04
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I'll be here still!
By 2015-10-03 19:51:42
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Server: Asura
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user: Azriel
Posts: 720
By Asura.Azriel 2015-10-03 20:01:05
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Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
This thread again.

Why even ask a self-answering question that will degrade into people fighting over the same thing over and over?
Posts: 437
By protectorchrono 2015-10-03 21:10:16
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Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
This thread again.

Why even ask a self-answering question that will degrade into people fighting over the same thing over and over?

Because I wanted to ask what are everyone's plans past November. Nothing wrong with that. You're gonna get people fighting or trolling no matter what thread is made. Just keep on topic and there won't be issues lol.
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By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2015-10-03 21:14:41
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I'll be here until my friends leave.
Server: Siren
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user: Clinpachi
Posts: 117
By Siren.Clinpachii 2015-10-03 21:31:54
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I intended to come back just until a month or so after the final patch in November. Oddly many of the quality of life adjustments plus trusts are making this a blast for me and my wife.

I was so caught up in endgame ***when i quit that I forgot what having fun in this game was apparently lol.
Server: Sylph
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user: Eliseus
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By Sylph.Dravidian 2015-10-03 23:41:10
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Can we make things a bit more clear. This is the final MAJOR PATCH. Not end of game. Not final content patch. I'll treat the game like the 75 days where we didn't see stuff for many months, and continue trying to min/max everything. Is it possible that we won't ever see new content? Sure, but it's also possible that we could still see "new" (I put quotes around that because it could just be like limbus 3.0) content. We just won't see the plethora of stuff that major patches typically bring, nor will we have a patch every month (which honestly I'm grateful for, maybe I can finally catch up on new crap completely before new crap comes out).

To give an idea, unless November adds a ridiculous amount of wanted to do, there is many new wanted NMs they can implement for 119 versions of some of that older gear.
Server: Fenrir
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user: Magitek
Posts: 203
By Fenrir.Magi 2015-10-03 23:43:55
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i just got d ring i beat the game goodbye
Server: Odin
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user: Tsukiji
Posts: 42
By Odin.Tsukiya 2015-10-04 03:34:48
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I don't really get this question. I mean, before WotG there hadn't been a new expansion in what, four years? Aht Urghan too came after several years of no expansions if I recall.

People were still playing. I mean, that is why end game exists. I don't see why, if people enjoyed the game before November, they'd enjoy it any less after November. Many people have been done with missions years ago and were just enjoying end game anyway.
By 2015-10-04 03:42:51
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Posts: 437
By protectorchrono 2015-10-04 04:00:20
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Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
protectorchrono said: »
Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
This thread again.

Why even ask a self-answering question that will degrade into people fighting over the same thing over and over?

Because I wanted to ask what are everyone's plans past November. Nothing wrong with that. You're gonna get people fighting or trolling no matter what thread is made. Just keep on topic and there won't be issues lol.

Yes, but somethings are obviously troll bait more than others.

Whatever dude. So far you're the only one trying to derail the thread. Obvious troll is obvious.
By 2015-10-04 04:11:09
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By 2015-10-04 04:12:49
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By Aeyela 2015-10-04 04:19:58
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I made a bucket list of things I'd like to get done in Vana'diel before accepting the end and bowing out forever. In the meanwhile, I'll be trying to distribute my increasingly limited free time between Vana'diel and Eorzea.

The declining player base beyond November will likely pave the way for some very interesting and enjoyable "party like" changes. "Here's the keys, have fun and lock up when you're done". I plan on being around to enjoy it!

Asura.Deadwing said: »
I've been on the private server scene for nearly a year now and have been having a great time with it.

I was tempted by a friend, but my grievance with a private server is as soon as the owner gets bored your game is at an end.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Neptune
Posts: 18
By Ragnarok.Nep 2015-10-04 04:20:44
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Odin.Tsukiya said: »
I don't really get this question. I mean, before WotG there hadn't been a new expansion in what, four years? Aht Urghan too came after several years of no expansions if I recall.
You're confused. From the start, all the expansions typically arrived no more than 18 months apart. ROTZ was Spring 2003, COP was Fall 2004, TOAU was Spring 2006, WOTG was Fall 2007. The big wait was between WOTG to SOA's release in Spring 2013, though obviously you had the six add-ons in 2009 and 2010 as well.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Orlind
Posts: 303
By Ragnarok.Orlind 2015-10-04 04:26:39
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Don't see a reason to quit, honestly. The only other MMO out there that looks interesting is PSO2 and even then, I don't see a reason why I can't play both.

Most of the horrid people on my server either got banned or quit so it's mostly fun times with my trio or most random pickups. This gives me even more of a reason to play the game.

As for any plans I have after November, I plan to dread any server merges that may happen. The only real merger I experienced was when Cait Sith merged with Ragnarok and the few nice people I met coming over told me to dread because the server was full or horrid people. And right they were: no sense of netiquette, common respect for others around them and a sense of "take and screw everyone else". The unique peace and fellowship established on Ragnarok never came back after that, even with the more recent calm.
By Aeyela 2015-10-04 04:36:38
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Ragnarok.Orlind said: »
As for any plans I have after November, I plan to dread any server merges that may happen. The only real merger I experienced was when Cait Sith merged with Ragnarok and the few nice people I met coming over told me to dread because the server was full or horrid people. And right they were: no sense of netiquette, common respect for others around them and a sense of "take and screw everyone else". The unique peace and fellowship established on Ragnarok never came back after that, even with the more recent calm.

They probably went to XIV. Community over there is pretty toxic compared to what I'm (and evidently you) are used to from XI. Thankfully when Garuda merged into Lakshmi, most of the Lakshmians I had dealings with were friendly and helpful people and I made plenty of new friends as a result. I imagine were it the opposite it might have expedited my eventual quitting in 2011.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Orlind
Posts: 303
By Ragnarok.Orlind 2015-10-04 04:45:57
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Aeyela said: »
Ragnarok.Orlind said: »
As for any plans I have after November, I plan to dread any server merges that may happen. The only real merger I experienced was when Cait Sith merged with Ragnarok and the few nice people I met coming over told me to dread because the server was full or horrid people. And right they were: no sense of netiquette, common respect for others around them and a sense of "take and screw everyone else". The unique peace and fellowship established on Ragnarok never came back after that, even with the more recent calm.

They probably went to XIV. Community over there is pretty toxic compared to what I'm (and evidently you) are used to from XI. Thankfully when Garuda merged into Lakshmi, most of the Lakshmians I had dealings with were friendly and helpful people and I made plenty of new friends as a result. I imagine were it the opposite it might have expedited my eventual quitting in 2011.

Oh, I'm pretty sure they all did. Those people nearly made me quit and I would have if I didn't have friends that needed me. I still see random posts from the bad eggs on Guildwork (why I don't post comments there) and hear about them from friends who went to XIV. I really do miss the days when the entire server of Ragnarok would work together to exile a person for obviously trying to screw over everyone and help the victims at the same time.
By Aeyela 2015-10-04 04:49:55
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Ragnarok.Orlind said: »
Oh, I'm pretty sure they all did. I still see random posts from them on Guildwork (why I don't post comments there) and hear about them from friends who went to XIV. I really do miss the days when the entire server of Ragnarok would work together to exile a person for obviously trying to screw over everyone and help the victims at the same time.

Ah, yes, the good ol' shame and shun! I remember somebody on Garuda called Anna who went WHM/THF to everything, even team based events. He was also very vociferous in defense of his play style. Needless to say, he became somewhat notorious and even after he folded and went WHM/RDM or WHM/BLM the stigma stuck with him until he faded into oblivion.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Orlind
Posts: 303
By Ragnarok.Orlind 2015-10-04 05:12:31
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Aeyela said: »
Ragnarok.Orlind said: »
Oh, I'm pretty sure they all did. I still see random posts from them on Guildwork (why I don't post comments there) and hear about them from friends who went to XIV. I really do miss the days when the entire server of Ragnarok would work together to exile a person for obviously trying to screw over everyone and help the victims at the same time.

Ah, yes, the good ol' shame and shun! I remember somebody on Garuda called Anna who went WHM/THF to everything, even team based events. He was also very vociferous in defense of his play style. Needless to say, he became somewhat notorious and even after he folded and went WHM/RDM or WHM/BLM the stigma stuck with him until he faded into oblivion.

Ours was a guy named Lionze who created an Dynamis LS back when only one group was allowed in. Back then, Ragnarok used a scheduling website so there weren't arguments and fights about who should go in. Myself and a bunch of friends in Lionze's LS started having suspicions after a few runs he wasn't following the website though he said he was.

It all came to a head when 6 of the biggest LSs at the time confronted him heading into Xarcabard but he refused to listen. A friend and I decided to defuse the situation by confronting Lionze ourselves along with working with everyone else. Lionze fled the server soon after and my friends were invited to our pick of Dynamis groups.
By 2015-10-04 05:23:07
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