Spellcast Area Check For Legion?

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Spellcast area check for Legion?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: suji
Posts: 962
By Phoenix.Suji 2012-09-14 18:36:58
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Subject pretty much says it.

Does anyone have some kind of vetted test to use in your XML that detects whether or not you're in Legion? I have a few guesses but they aren't very testable without either spending gil or trying to fix your XML on the fly while on a normal run, both of which aren't ideal.

Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Eyrhika
Posts: 764
By Lakshmi.Eyrhika 2012-09-14 18:41:25
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if area="whatever" would work I think since it takes place in its own zone.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: suji
Posts: 962
By Phoenix.Suji 2012-09-14 18:48:56
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It would but I need the list of zone names.. :) Also, not sure if it requires the abbreviations or not, which often seem arbitrary, nor whether or not those zone names need to be loaded into some kind of XML resource or if it's automatic or what.

That's why I was hoping for some actual working code.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Eyrhika
Posts: 764
By Lakshmi.Eyrhika 2012-09-14 19:13:50
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BG wiki has the hall names
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Terminus
Posts: 3351
By Fenrir.Terminus 2012-09-14 19:22:37
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Aren't the abbreviations the same as what the autotranslated version would be? (I'm not at home, so I don't even know if the zones are even translated yet.)

Just a thought.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: ikariiiii
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By Ragnarok.Jukiro 2012-09-14 19:38:05
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The zone is called "Maquette Abdhaljs-Legion"
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: suji
Posts: 962
By Phoenix.Suji 2012-09-14 19:39:09
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They aren't in the translator yet, sadly. And I have a friend who tried using the hall names and had trouble.

Sorry if I sound like I'm being stubborn about it-- it's just that anything you write needs to be tested and there's no good way to test it to my knowledge without either doing it during a run (which blows) or spending gil to go in there and try it (which also blows). I'll spend the gil to verify a solution if I have to but I was hoping some of the more experienced legion folks would have already worked this out.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 853
By Ragnarok.Erikthecleric 2012-09-14 19:43:45
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Phoenix.Suji said: »
They aren't in the translator yet, sadly. And I have a friend who tried using the hall names and had trouble.

Sorry if I sound like I'm being stubborn about it-- it's just that anything you write needs to be tested and there's no good way to test it to my knowledge without either doing it during a run (which blows) or spending gil to go in there and try it (which also blows). I'll spend the gil to verify a solution if I have to but I was hoping some of the more experienced legion folks would have already worked this out.

could do this on test server so it costs you no real gil?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: suji
Posts: 962
By Phoenix.Suji 2012-09-14 19:45:53
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Ragnarok.Erikthecleric said: »
could do this on test server so it costs you no real gil?
I didn't even think to do that, oops. I don't have the test client yet though so it'll be a little while before I can report back.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 853
By Ragnarok.Erikthecleric 2012-09-14 19:55:34
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Phoenix.Suji said: »
Ragnarok.Erikthecleric said: »
could do this on test server so it costs you no real gil?
I didn't even think to do that, oops. I don't have the test client yet though so it'll be a little while before I can report back.

If you have any buddies who happen to have it they can try rq, or you can just wait and try yourself XD
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2012-09-14 21:54:31
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As far as I know it's like Einherjar, all takes place in the same zone. You can easily verify this by opening up the zone list in-game via /search. Full zone names are used, though for something that pointlessly long I'd just write <if Area="*Legion">.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2012-09-14 22:05:05
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If you gain a buff when entering Legion you can track it with

<if BuffActive="????" Area="????">

If not then you can simply create a Variable to toggle on and off when you want to use Legion rules or not.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2012-09-14 22:18:24
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There's no buff for Legion.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: suji
Posts: 962
By Phoenix.Suji 2012-09-14 22:36:00
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yeah, no buff for legion and I don't want to use a toggle either, for the sake of cleanliness in my XML (ie, having one group-swap mechanism be different from the rest is a maintainability detriment).

Anyways, I'll put faith in your suggestion, NF, and give it a shot since I'll probably be in Legion again before I'm able to get on the test server. I'm just paranoid about going in there and having my sets go bonkers due to faulty group-selection... :)
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: suji
Posts: 962
By Phoenix.Suji 2012-09-19 14:00:30
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Just to confirm for anyone wanting to use this, I tested out NF's suggestion and area="*-Legion" does indeed work. Not sure what was up with my friend who had trouble.
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