Legion Gear Set Swap

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Legion gear set swap
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ashman
Posts: 4252
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2012-07-03 10:20:11
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The evasion of legion mobs suprised me recently. Even while using pizza (not to mention the 40 acc on apoc) i was suprised at my whiff rate. I do use Diabolic Eye when I know that I'm not capping hit rate but I prefer to only use it when SE is down. We can rotate in madrigals as one (or more) of the bards 3 songs but that's probably still not going to be enough; especially for the ukko wars when agg is down.


I've been thinking of using this AM set:

instead of my normal:

I could also theoretically swap in anguinus belt, or something, but I'm going to wait to see how my acc looks with that swap first.

I have 2 reasons for making this thread.

1) Can anyone share gearswaps for their jobs in high evasion situations? I don't know some jobs very well, having not played them since abyssea. I'd like an idea of what realistic average-joe gear would look like, as well as high-end gearsets. I'm going to make a push to help our sacks out and discuss improvements, and I'd like an idea of what gear people are using for this.

2) I can work the equations for most in-game math easily but I was raised on Montessori style math and it's easier for me to envision concepts in simple terms. I can see the benefits of having crits occur on high end mobs (crit pdif etc), but I'm terrible at visualising it. Can someone explain that to me in more simple terms than just posting the equation?

Thanks :D
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-07-06 08:51:21
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So, i'm stealing your thread and giving you a bump. Has anyone noticed that some legion mobs seem to have low agi? On our run the other night we brought 2 wars mnk and sam in our DD party (ToAU HNM chamber). The mnk parsed at a 61% critrate, of which: 20% BR(basically fulltime), 10% base+merits, 5% rancor collar, 10%~ impetus which leaves 16% unaccounted for. Now, I just attributed this to a really lucky run until today when I got to come mnk instead of whm. Our 2nd run we did the same chamber and the only real difference between our mnks is I used ganesha's mask/thaumas body and he used oclomeh+1/toci's. He ended up parsing 11% higher crit rate than me.

Now, 2 parses is hardly strong support, but I was wondering if anyone else had noticed any similar trends. It could be he is just being lucky, but also might be a possiblity dDex sets are valid DD builds (especially given they might contribute to acc).
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: kvazz
Posts: 5345
By Cerberus.Kvazz 2012-07-06 09:04:20
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Cba to make the gearsets here, but this is my high acc 5hit build, which I very rarely use:
			<set name="tp">
				<sub>Pole grip</sub>
				<ammo>Hagneia stone</ammo>
				<head>Phorcys salade</head>
				<lear>Bale earring</lear>
				<rear>Brutal Earring</rear>
				<neck>Houyi's gorget</neck>
				<body>Adaman hauberk</body>
				<back>Atheling mantle</back>
				<hands>Bale gauntlets +2</hands>
				<lring>Mars's ring</lring>
				<rring>Rajas Ring</rring>
				<waist>Goading Belt</waist>
				<legs>Phorcys dirs</legs>
				<feet>Homam gambieras</feet>
			<set name="tpAM">
				<sub>Pole grip</sub>
				<ammo>Fire bomblet</ammo>
				<head>Bale Burgeonet +2</head>
				<lear>Bale earring</lear>
				<rear>Brutal Earring</rear>
				<neck>Houyi's gorget</neck>
				<body>Adaman hauberk</body>
				<back>Atheling mantle</back>
				<hands>Ogier's Gauntlets</hands>
				<lring>Mars's ring</lring>
				<rring>Rajas Ring</rring>
				<waist>Goading Belt</waist>
				<legs>Phorcys dirs</legs>
				<feet>Phorcys schuhs</feet>		

I have'nt tried Legion at all so idk how that would parse in there though.

Edit: But honestly, close to +100 acc should be enough no? D:
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-07-06 09:15:44
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As for acc: Our war has +50acc/+14dex/madrigal/aggressor in his standard tp set and parses next to capped on standard legion mobs. switches to +75acc/+25dex for like ixion/harpy and doesn't cap.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ashman
Posts: 4252
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2012-07-06 09:59:03
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Odin.Sawtelle said: »
As for acc: Our war has +50acc/+14dex/madrigal/aggressor in his standard tp set and parses next to capped on standard legion mobs. switches to +75acc/+25dex for like ixion/harpy and doesn't cap.

madrigals fixed our problems for the most part. I still think the sets are important for using meat over pizza for some jobs or in case you eat a tortoise song, etc.

Also, feel free to take the thread. It was more of a general legion discussion since there were no threads in the section :x
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [163 days between previous and next post]
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Cantontai
Posts: 1008
By Bahamut.Cantontai 2012-12-16 15:55:16
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Odin.Sawtelle said: »
So, i'm stealing your thread and giving you a bump. Has anyone noticed that some legion mobs seem to have low agi? On our run the other night we brought 2 wars mnk and sam in our DD party (ToAU HNM chamber). The mnk parsed at a 61% critrate, of which: 20% BR(basically fulltime), 10% base+merits, 5% rancor collar, 10%~ impetus which leaves 16% unaccounted for. Now, I just attributed this to a really lucky run until today when I got to come mnk instead of whm. Our 2nd run we did the same chamber and the only real difference between our mnks is I used ganesha's mask/thaumas body and he used oclomeh+1/toci's. He ended up parsing 11% higher crit rate than me.

Now, 2 parses is hardly strong support, but I was wondering if anyone else had noticed any similar trends. It could be he is just being lucky, but also might be a possiblity dDex sets are valid DD builds (especially given they might contribute to acc).

Sorry to necrobump, but there are only 3 Legion threads, so yep.

Curious if you tested this theory more Sawtelle?
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