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Dissidia 1 Help
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Faelar
Posts: 4108
By Bismarck.Faelar 2011-03-24 17:22:23
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I'm currently stuck on Shade Impulse 4-2, Chaos. His lv48 cheatin' *** keeps whipping my lv91 Cecil's ***, and I really dont want to level another character just to unlock Duel Coliseum.

It would be great if I could send someone my save file and them just beat Chaos for me ._. I'm so frustrated at this particular fight I'm afraid if I lose 1 more time I'll have a broken PSP.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2011-03-24 17:25:17
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I honestly don't like Cecil that much, so I really can't give you battle tactics except spamming his Pld move where he shoots magic outta that little thing and using Paladin Force over and over. I had Onion Knight so I would keep spamming moves that linked into HP attacks. Just gotta learn when to dodge his stuff at the right time.

It's certainly a "kill him before he kills you" fight since you are actually timed in his 3rd form.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Aeronis
Posts: 1838
By Bahamut.Aeronis 2011-03-24 17:28:17
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I killed him using Bartz, I believe Terra was another one I did it with too.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2011-03-24 17:31:47
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He's certainly beatable on any character, you just really have to know how to dodge his attacks. He's not that hard to actually hit as his hit box is far larger than regular characters; it's getting around his large AoE attacks.

I never got around to fighting his 130 form, but in Dissidia 012 I sure will. I simply didn't have the gear to do so.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Faelar
Posts: 4108
By Bismarck.Faelar 2011-03-24 17:34:11
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I leveled Cecil up this far over the last few days by equipping a Chocobo Wing and doing Quick Battle against opponents 10 levels higher than me. All I do basically is spam Paladin Force >.>

Tried this on Chaos, he is good at dodging EVERYTHING I throw at him.
I've read frequently that a good tactic is to get to the top of the stage and just block him when he dashes at you to stun him then unleash hell, rinse/repeat until he breaks, etc. This doesnt seem to work for me either :/

Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2011-03-24 17:37:14
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You can always do what you do in Quick Battle, just fighting a Lv100 CPU and putting on the Magic Pot (manual) summon, copying their 9999 BRV and one-shotting them to level up people quickly.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Faelar
Posts: 4108
By Bismarck.Faelar 2011-03-24 17:38:14
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My friend told me Squall trolls him, so I was thinking of leveling Squall >.>

He's 30, my next highest.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2011-03-24 17:40:46
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I mean, you shouldn't limit yourself to one character to begin with. Try out everyone some more since they get better moves around 30~50 (and support abilities).

Stuff like Riposte, Cat Nip, etc will change gameplay a lot, especially in that one since crit damage is x5 in the first one (nerfed down to x2 in 012).
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Archkain
Posts: 116
By Quetzalcoatl.Archkain 2011-03-24 17:41:54
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I killed him with Cloud and Firion. Weaponmaster kicks his ***
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Faelar
Posts: 4108
By Bismarck.Faelar 2011-03-24 17:42:41
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I've used everyone to an extent, beat all the Odysseys, Cecil is just my favorite and highest level at the moment. Figured a LV91 would be better for this fight :P
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Leoheart
Posts: 565
By Unicorn.Leoheart 2011-03-24 17:50:18
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apologies on the wall of text, I spoilered it also for people who want to work this fight out for themselves aswell.
This is taken from the official strategy guide on how to dodge all of Chaos' attacks:
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-03-24 17:53:12
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Stop sucking.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: misacat
Posts: 22620
By Bismarck.Misao 2011-03-24 17:59:27
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IIRC i beat the game with Terra and either Zidane or Cloud.
hella of an annoying fight, and had to redo it many times till i got it.

I like how terra's Tornado serves as defense, Holy for ranged, and combo into an Ultima, then use her EX form.

gear and accesories play a big roll too
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Aeronis
Posts: 1838
By Bahamut.Aeronis 2011-03-24 18:14:03
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Bismarck.Faelar said:
I leveled Cecil up this far over the last few days by equipping a Chocobo Wing and doing Quick Battle against opponents 10 levels higher than me.
Even at Lv1, if you fight Ex-Death Lv99 with Calm and Max Dificulty, he doesn't pose as much of a threat. If you wait until x5 EXP bonus and equip manual Magic Pot and the 3 different EXP+% items, you can get cap super fast~ I just let him break me twice with the teleport move, use the pot and use a Square move. It should take you to about 50ish or so in 1 go-round.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Faelar
Posts: 4108
By Bismarck.Faelar 2011-03-24 18:19:19
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Bahamut.Aeronis said:
Bismarck.Faelar said:
I leveled Cecil up this far over the last few days by equipping a Chocobo Wing and doing Quick Battle against opponents 10 levels higher than me.
Even at Lv1, if you fight Ex-Death Lv99 with Calm and Max Dificulty, he doesn't pose as much of a threat. If you wait until x5 EXP bonus and equip manual Magic Pot and the 3 different EXP+% items, you can get cap super fast~ I just let him break me twice with the teleport move, use the pot and use a Square move. It should take you to about 50ish or so in 1 go-round.

Hmm, I never thought of that. I'll level a few other characters that way and try 'em on Chaos.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Naten
Posts: 1979
By Asura.Natenn 2011-03-24 18:26:08
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He's easy dood, at the start of every fight run straight back and jump up in the air he'll either do the fire shockwave thing x2 (just dodge left or right) or he'll jump up x2 and be like "BULL SHITTER" and fly towards you and punch the ground causing bolder spikes, the main thing you need to know in this fight is you will never hit him unless you block stagger or evade his attack and attack him instantly. He becomes so predictable if you just keep at it. I beat him with all cosmos warriors + Jecht. If your Lv91 you should be able to kill him with 1 Paladin force.

His special moves: Soul of Oblivion - he trys to Kamahameha your *** but it takes 5s to charge. soon you see this dash at him and BRV attack.

The explosion around you move that ends with him throwin his sword at you from above(i forget the nane) stand still till the explosions are done, soon as the last fire pillar stops dodge in any direction, jump+dash+attack him, he'll sit there wide open for like 2s. (He only uses these 2 moves first)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Naten
Posts: 1979
By Asura.Natenn 2011-03-24 18:40:34
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Keep in mind this guy is Lv100 vs 110.

thiis guy isn't that great he could of evaded so much more np, but yea watch for tips, Lv48 Chaos is a joke.
Posts: 10632
By Serj 2011-03-24 18:44:15
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Bahamut.Aeronis said:
Bismarck.Faelar said:
I leveled Cecil up this far over the last few days by equipping a Chocobo Wing and doing Quick Battle against opponents 10 levels higher than me.
Even at Lv1, if you fight Ex-Death Lv99 with Calm and Max Dificulty, he doesn't pose as much of a threat. If you wait until x5 EXP bonus and equip manual Magic Pot and the 3 different EXP+% items, you can get cap super fast~ I just let him break me twice with the teleport move, use the pot and use a Square move. It should take you to about 50ish or so in 1 go-round.

Can get from level 1 to 100 if you align everything exp wise correctly.

Side notes: Chaos 120 or 130 or w/e is annoying, but not super hard.

And wtf? You're timed on his third form? I never took that long or lived long enough to know otherwise.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2011-03-24 18:50:02
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Well you aren't really timed, but the longer you stretch the fight out, the worse his moves get. His off-screen move is used after awhile, which is pretty damn difficult to avoid.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Naten
Posts: 1979
By Asura.Natenn 2011-03-24 18:51:16
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your not timed on his 3rd form but he needs to die fast, if he hits you once its pretty much over.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Haseyo
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2011-03-24 18:53:18
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The main issue is his summon, that he can use multiple times, giving him 9999 BRV constantly.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 517
By Bismarck.Luces 2011-03-24 21:59:34
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That's why you use carbuncle, magic pot, ramuh, or alexander, the non auto versions not the auto ones, and save it for the 2-3 round, I used bartz and it was one combo and 1 hp attack, I enjoy Cecil as that was the first ff I ever played so I feel that connection to him.

I don't remember the name but use the attack that throws your shield down and chains into bitter end, should take you 1-2 chains per round, that means you only need to dodge 1-2 of his attacks to kill him. I beat him faster then I could blink with lvl 100 bartz using mostly lvl 50 gear or lower gear, using gear with as much bravery + as I could not worry about the level(Except I made sure I used a higher level weapon). Multipliers like up close and exguage full(save your ex for final round). When he turns to stage 3 land an attack in pld mode(since they all chain to bitter end), then initiate ex mode as soon as that first hit lands so that after you chain to bitter end you can ex burst and own him.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Spathaian
Posts: 27982
By Shiva.Spathaian 2011-03-24 22:12:56
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Bismarck.Luces said:
That's why you use carbuncle, magic pot, ramuh, or alexander, the non auto versions not the auto ones, and save it for the 2-3 round, I used bartz and it was one combo and 1 hp attack, I enjoy Cecil as that was the first ff I ever played so I feel that connection to him.

I don't remember the name but use the attack that throws your shield down and chains into bitter end, should take you 1-2 chains per round, that means you only need to dodge 1-2 of his attacks to kill him. I beat him faster then I could blink with lvl 100 bartz using mostly lvl 50 gear or lower gear, using gear with as much bravery + as I could not worry about the level(Except I made sure I used a higher level weapon). Multipliers like up close and exguage full(save your ex for final round). When he turns to stage 3 land an attack in pld mode(since they all chain to bitter end), then initiate ex mode as soon as that first hit lands so that after you chain to bitter end you can ex burst and own him.
Got your self mixed up a bit there, friend. Bitter End is used by Warrior of Light. Cecil has no real linking moves.

As for beating Chaos with Cecil. He was the character I used for my first win, if I remember correctly it was basically just making sure my equipment was updated and then spamming Paladin Force while constantly dodging or interrupting his attacks. If he used something I needed to stay far away from I'd use Dark Flame. Not much else I can think of.
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