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Aravol said:
Jimmyjazz said:
Aravol said:
What is best ACP combo armor for ninja, im curious. Im climbing my way to 75 so i may get a better idea,thanks
Preferrably something that can interchange with thf also

I'm no ninja or thief but..acc and crit%, acc and dualwield%?

i agree. Probably crit hit since i have 4/4 crit merits

Meh, Acc + Crit hit would basically be making a slightly better Pahluwan Body. Adding acc and dual wield would be nice since the accuracy, hp, str, agi would certainly outweigh the loss of 2% dual wield.

Another option which would be nice is Acc & Store TP w/ Subtle Blow. The Store TP would slightly up your WS frequency and stacks well with brutal earring and rajas ring; also subtle blow is the highest on ninja especially with merits, so any more would certainly be welcomed considering how fast ninja hits.

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